Enterprise Content Management

Several years ago, a Swiss Government ministry was sued after it imposed a ban on travellers from Asia entering Switzerland. The reason for the ban was the outbreak of an infectious epidemic in Asia. The ministry wanted to prevent infections in Switzerland, however the ban prevented a group of Asian business people from attending a very important conference, which for them was the key business event of the year.

Hyland has announced a new reseller partnership with Australian process automation and document management services specialist CSC Technology.

AvePoint has announced today a new cloud file migration technology as part of its AvePoint Migration Platform (AMP). The company says it has reached speeds of 100 terabytes per day, making it the industry's fastest solution for migrating Dropbox, Box, GDrive, OneDrive and other cloud files.

Early results of a project to automate classification of more than 8 million documents at Auckland Transport are amazing and give us confidence that the objective of automating the addition of retention tags will be achieved.

When I'm not working for the PDF Association I still do some consulting in the document management space. Some recent conversations prompted me to revisit an assessment I wrote four years ago exploring a typical conversation between PDF technology providers and PDF technology users. Has anything changed?

MinerEye is launching a new, AI-powered governance and data protection solution, MinerEye Data Tracker, that promises to enable companies to continuously identify, organize, track and protect vast information assets ─ including undermanaged, unstructured and dark data ─ for safe and compliant cloud migration.

ISACA, the international professional association focused on IT governance, has launched a new tool to new support IT auditors in their assessments of AWS deployments - including the use of AWS services, access to the AWS environment, management and interrelationships of AWS services.

Box is extending two-factor authentication (2FA) to external users, acknowledging the need for corporate and government customers of the cloud-based enterprise content management platform to provide secure access for external collaborators.

The government’s chief cyber security coordinator, Alastair McGibbon, told an audience of specialists in November 2018 that the prospect of a catastrophic cyber incident is: "the greatest existential threat we face as a society today."

While companies, governments and individuals scramble to protect important data and critical systems from cyber threats, a sleeping national security issue could become the next cyber frontier. In fact, it may already be, and we don’t even know it.
