Enterprise Content Management

​Probax, a WA-based provider of intelligent data protection and business continuity solutions for Managed Service Providers (MSPs), has launched a new SaaS protection solution: Dropbox Backup & Archive.

Fastman has launched two new digital signature and OpenText read-only license compliance solutions.

On Friday, 20-June-2019, Gartner published new research titled “The Future of the DBMS Market Is Cloud” by Donald Feinberg, Merv Adrian and Adam Ronthal. The thesis: cloud is now the default platform for managing data. On-premises is the past, and only legacy compatibility or special requirements should keep you there. 

Iron Mountain has announced an expansion to its Data Restoration and Migration Services (DRMS) for those seeking to migrate tape-based data into Amazon Web Services (AWS).

On average, more than half of all data within organizations (52 percent) remains unclassified or untagged, according to a global survey commissioned by Veritas Technologies. The survey of 1,500 IT decision makers and data managers across 15 countries found that that companies have limited or no visibility over vast volumes of potentially business-critical data.

Ricoh has announced the acquisition of document management and workflow automation company DocuWare, headquartered in Germany and the United States.

Melbourne-based start-up Software Company, Konnect eMail, has announced the launch of an innovative drag and drop email management solution to enable better email management and records compliance.

With more than 7,500 permanent staff and a $3 billion annual budget, Brisbane City Council is significantly larger than most local government organisations in Australia. It serves more than 1.2 million people and 128,000 business in the state’s capital.

M-has launched a new information management solution for Salesforce that seamlessly integrates M-Files content services directly within the familiar Salesforce user interface.

Most organizations will fail to realize the full value of new financial application purchases because they are not accounting for digital capabilities that they will require in the future, according to Gartner, Inc.
