
In 2020, the Capture Software market grew 5% to reach $US5.1 billion in worldwide revenue, according to Infosource’s 2020-2021 State of the Global Information Capture Market report. This was despite a worldwide economic slowdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

With enterprises set to triple the amount of unstructured data they have stored in the next four years, according to Gartner, enterprises are looking for efficient ways to manage and analyse that data. This trend has spiked a massive shift toward distributed file systems and object storage that enable enterprises to scale linearly (scale-out) in a cost-effective manner to address their performance and capacity needs. 

The latest Gartner Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence (AI) shows a large number of AI technologies are set to reach mainstream adoption within 2-5 years, including edge AI, computer vision, AI cloud services, composite AI and machine learning. However, Gartner research also found that only half of AI projects make it from pilot into production, and those that do take an average of nine months to do so.

It’s now well known that usernames and passwords aren’t enough to securely access online services. A recent study highlighted more than 80% of all hacking-related breaches happen due to compromised and weak credentials, with three billion username/password combinations stolen in 2016 alone. As such, the implementation of two-factor authentication (2FA) has become a necessity. Generally, 2FA aims to provide an additional layer of security to the relatively vulnerable username/password system.

The NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office (CSO), through Micro Focus implementation partners Citadel and Microsearch, has recently completed its move to cloud with Content Manager Select, combining an innovative managed service solution with a content search and information retrieval solution using IDOL.
