
Public Health England has admitted that 16,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in the UK were missed from daily figures being reported between September 25 and October 2. The missing figures were subsequently added to the daily totals, but given the importance of these numbers for monitoring the outbreak and making key decisions, the results of the error are far-reaching.

The Prime Minister and Treasurer have announced a $A3.6 million push to make electronic invoicing mandatory for all Commonwealth agencies by July 1, 2022. They also plan to consult on options for mandatory adoption of e-invoicing by businesses.

Hyland has deployed the OnBase ECM platform to an Australian heavyweight in the agriculture and resources sectors, a firm that manufactures and supplying industrial goods that contribute to the production of key infrastructure, food, clothing, energy and more, on a global scale.

Australian professional services and software development company INFORMOTION has announced that its client the University of Sydney has been named a winner of the 2020 Nucleus Research ROI Awards. By deploying INFORMOTION’s Fusion integration engine, Workflow Portal and custom webforms to leverage the university’s existing investment in Micro Focus Content Manager, the university achieved a 220% ROI, according to a study by Nucleus Research.

PDF is by far the document format most often used in conjunction with digital signatures. In 1999, Adobe introduced version 1.3, which allowed for embedding digital signatures directly within PDF documents. At that time, it was common practice when signing a file to store the signature itself in a signature container in a separate signature file with the same name as the file to be signed but with a special extension such as "pkcs7".
