
ANZ has signed a three-year contract extension for the continued use of Knosys’ knowledge management platform. ANZ also has the option to extend the contract further via two one-year extensions. The potential value of the contract over the entire five-year life is expected to exceed $A6.5 million.

Since I first wrote about digital transformation back at the end of 2012, the term has become wildly overhyped. Since CEOs are now at least asking about digital transformation, and every technology vendor now claims expertise in digital transformation, it’s time to burst a few of the myths surrounding digital transformation.

PegaWorld 2018 Conference in the Las Vegas has been variously billed as the world’s largest intelligent automation event.  ‎Carl Hillier‎, ABBYY Product Group Head, was one of the plethora of innovators and business leaders in attendance. He shares his impressions.

Data security always has meant different things to different people. Most have agreed on the importance of using firewalls, but for decades, businesses have been able to choose the level of data encryption they employ. If they didn’t think a VPN was necessary, they simply didn’t use one. If they didn’t think they needed end-to-end data encryption, they would skip it and take their chances. That is, until recently.

​Regulatory compliance is a huge concern for companies in many industries, but the cost of failing in compliance efforts can be an even higher concern. Penalties, fines, loss of business, loss of client confidence, and even outright theft of confidential financial information can quickly add up and take a heavy toll on your business.
