
My hospital sent me a medical records release form as a PDF file. They told me that I was to print it, fill it, sign it, scan it and return it to the medical records department, in that order. In 2018, to be receiving the form via email (i.e., electronically), yet being asked to print it? Frustrating.

It’s timely that we are currently running Tom O’Connor’s paper on Information Governance (first two parts here and here, more to come tomorrow and next week) because The Sedona Conference® (TSC) has just published a paper on defensible disposition, which is a significant component of any good Information Governance program.

On July 31, DocuSign announced that it was acquiring SpringCM for $US220 million.  I think a general “huh?” could be heard across the industry.  What exactly does this mean?  For the last few years I’ve been looking at the two markets, of ECM and CLM, and the confusion that exists between them.

IDM recently sat down with Leonel Da Costa, Managing Director Asia Pacific Region, Kodak Alaris, Alaris Division, to learn about changes at the information management solutions vendor.

The National Rural Health Alliance welcomes the Federal Government’s commitment to strengthen the privacy provisions of My Health Record – Australia’s online health summary system.
