Document & Records Management

Capricorns are careful and cautious people, but not without ambition, according to the horoscopes, and the same can be said of the imaging and document management implementation at the Capricorn Society in Perth. It was careful, caution was...

An inter government effort to collect and archive the service records of our war heros sees online research tool born.

he precedent-setting case of British American Tobacco versus cancer victim Rolah Ann McCabe is to be re-tried; after the Court of Appeal in Melbourne today overturned Justice Geoffrey Eames’ judgement against British American Tobacco (BAT).

Bad document management can keep an airline on the ground.

EMC wants to see its Centera storage system adopted as a replacement for tape and optical media as a system for backup and archiving. Joining EMC's push is storage software vendor Legato, which has added its DiskXteneder and EmailXtender ap...

Microsoft has released the details of its latest Office SharePoint Porter Server 2003 application and promises increased sharing and search abilities that could put Microsoft on the shopping lists of Lotus Notes users.

Imaging bureaux and document scanners are to be given an image shake up. French company Escargot has commissioned fashion icon Jean-Paul Gaultier to design a range of new document scanners and imaging devices, as well as a series of city ce...

Imaging bureaux and document scanners are to be given an image shake up. French company Escargot has commissioned fashion icon Jean-Paul Gaultier to design a range of new document scanners and imaging devices, as well as a series of city ce...

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has directed Telstra to record information and provide the ACCC with quarterly reports in relation to Telstra's 'bundled'' service products.

Hummingbird has been recognised by Gartner as "Visionary" in the Smart Enterprise Suite (SES) Magic Quadrant for 2003. Gartner's Magic Quadrant positions vendors in a particular market segment based on their ability to execute that vision.
