Enterprise Applications

Plumtree Software has released modules for embedding Onyx's CRM capabilities in the Plumtree Corporate Portal.

UK businesses may be wasting up to £17 billion per year on so-called "information black holes".

IBM has released a portal product which could subvert the KM efforts of its own subsidiary, Lotus Development.

SAP has officially launched its mysap.com enterprise information portal initiative in the Asia/Pacific region.

Integration is the new focus for e-commerce firms that are learning how to add KM and CRM elements to customer-centric portals.

Odyssey Development will include features to build and enhance corporate portals in the next version of ISYS.

Verity has expanded its Australian operations and started a roadshow.

Tibco Software has completed the official release of TIB/Portal Builder.

Add yet another technology to the portal mix: Web-to-host access.

Tower Technology has released its homegrown portal alternative, the Tower IDM Corporate Document Portal.
