In the wake of Y2K, in what form will ERP endure, and how will it interact with other technologies?
A report on the future of CRM was released last year by research firm Ovum.
A new report from Ovum reveals that the knowledge management market will grow to US$4.4 billion this year.
New Zealand's medical industry is showing the world how a national records management system can be built.
The Australian government is beginning development of a digital signature process for use by Australian businesses in dealing with public sector agencies.
The Government Online 2000 conference in April will address the issues that have stalled the rollout of online services across government departments.
Details of workshops being held in conjunction with the Government Online 2000 conference.
The application service provider is a combination of service bureau and Internet provider, and it is already changing some industries.
Identifying a metric by which to judge the relative focus, size or scalability of ASPs is problematic at best, and misleading at worst.
List of ASPs and the services they offer.