Enterprise Applications

ChatGPT was launched on Nov. 30, 2022, ushering in what many have called artificial intelligence’s breakout year. Within days of its release, ChatGPT went viral. Screenshots of conversations snowballed across social media, and the use of ChatGPT skyrocketed to an extent that seems to have surprised even its maker, OpenAI. By January, ChatGPT was seeing 13 million unique visitors each day, setting a record for the fastest-growing user base of a consumer application.

An IDC survey undertaken for Endava, a global provider of digital transformation, agile development and intelligent automation services, has found that an overwhelming majority (88%) said that only 50% or less of their DX projects in the past year met the expected goals or outcomes.

In an increasingly data-driven world, organizations are constantly looking for ways to manage their information more effectively. This is where AI comes in, offering an opportunity to transform data into better decision-making tools. But, as a recent survey of IT leaders underscores, that data must be ready for AI - if it’s not accurate, accessible, and secure, organizations won’t get the desired results.

In a new report, 13 of Australia’s top AI experts find that AI has the potential to augment, simplify and improve the way we live our lives.  However, to reach that point the nation urgently needs to build social license and public understanding, as well as spearhead new AI research and development activity to ensure AI technology is responsibly deployed and regulated. 

Galileo has announced a suite of new tools called Galileo LLM Studio that allows data scientists to fine-tune LLMs with proprietary data, create and manage prompts, identify potential model hallucinations and more.

The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) maintains there is still a level playing field for competing generative AI platforms within the Australian Government, despite Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announcing a six-month trial of Microsoft 365 Copilot in a meeting with CEO Satya Nadella in San Francisco.

A week after the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) warned it was running out of patience with Cybersecurity Non-Compliance in the financial sector, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has issued results of a survey that has exposed gaps in cyber security risk management across all industries. It comes in the wake of the attack on DP World that has caused havoc at Australian ports.

Messagepoint has enhanced its generative AI capabilities to further support organizations in creating communications that are easy for customers to understand. As part of its Intelligent Content Hub for customer communications management, Messagepoint’s AI-powered Assisted Authoring will now support translation into over 80 languages and suggest content rewrites to align communications with the ISO standard for plain language.

A new poll of global digital trust professionals reveals high employee usage of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Australia and New Zealand (63%). Althopugh few have company policies around its use (only 11% have a formal policy), there is a  lack of training (80% have no or limited training), and fears around its exploitation by bad actors (97% report being at least somewhat worried), according to Generative AI 2023: An ISACA Pulse Poll.

The Australian Signals Directorate has released its fourth ASD Cyber Threat Report, which found almost half of reported incidents came from Federal, State or Local Government. Malicious cyber activity continued to increase in frequency, cost and severity compared to the previous year.
