Enterprise Applications

A new technology promises to make your web browser more private than ever, keeping your internet activity from prying eyes. But some argue your data won’t actually be all that private. And others are worried it could actually help criminals including child abusers to avoid justice. Here’s what you need to know about DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH).

Natural Language Generation (NLG) is a hot topic and seems to be popping up in increasing areas of our lives. Alexa, Siri, customer service chatbots, and automated text messages provide information about products and services, and more of our interactions with businesses involve some level of NLG.

ASG Technologies has announced its new digital automation platform, ASG-Zenith, that accelerates and simplifies digitization initiatives. ASG-Zenith creates a new approach to process automation and includes multiple technologies—such as business process management (BPM), robotic process automation (RPA) and policy and content privacy—united through ASG-Studio, a single, common, visual design environment.

Every organization I encounter is going through it in one way or another: digital transformation. Of course, this is a bit of a catch-all phrase that could apply to almost everything and anything that organizations are doing in the digital space. So, it would be useful to define what we mean.

harmon.ie has introduced SmartAssistant, a product that links an organization’s internal staff conversations and external communications in Office 365, by intelligently connecting emails, documents, and Microsoft Teams conversations.

Many advanced artificial intelligence projects say they are working toward building a conscious machine, based on the idea that brain functions merely encode and process multisensory information. The assumption goes, then, that once brain functions are properly understood, it should be possible to program them into a computer. Microsoft recently announced that it would spend US$1 billion on a project to do just that.

TAIGER is making its suite of workplace AI solutions available on Azure, specifically Microsoft Marketplace and AppSource, in a global alliance with Microsoft.

Australia is on the cusp of a new era where consumers will be granted the right to access and share data about themselves and their transactions as captured by businesses they deal with, such as banks, electricity retailers, and phone and internet service providers.

The Australian government is handing over $A32M to a new research centre hosted at RMIT University that will investigate how rapidly emerging autonomous decision-making technologies can be used safely and ethically.

We’re entering the age of artificial intelligence. And as AI programs gets better and better at acting like humans, we will increasingly be faced with the question of whether there’s really anything that special about our own intelligence, or if we are just machines of a different kind. Could everything we know and do one day be reproduced by a complicated enough computer program installed in a complicated enough robot?
