Enterprise Content Management

Organizations should make simple investments now to avoid facing this question in an inevitable future. We are living a dystopian present where ransomware is a sustainable (and lucrative) business model putting every single organization that uses technology at risk.

Australian energy company ATCO Australia, responsible for developing, building, owning and operating energy infrastructure assets, has moved its information management solutions to the OpenText Cloud.

Following an internal 2019 review, Rous County Council decided to abandon a SharePoint-based recordkeeping project and implement Micro Focus Content Manager as the corporate Electronic Document and Records Management solution (EDRMS).

Gimmal has announced the official release of its Documentum to SharePoint migration tool designed to assist migration from Documentum to Microsoft 365.

Globus, a research data management service, has announced general availability of Globus for Microsoft OneDrive, which lets users connect OneDrive to their existing storage ecosystem and enables a unified interface for data transfer and sharing across diverse storage systems.

Tools to help Salesforce user protect data privacy and security, while unlocking the value in Salesforce data across clouds and on premises data centres, have been announced by Delphix.

Last week, Micro Focus announced that it is partnering globally with Citadel to Deliver Content Manager Select Software as a Service in the cloud based on the Citadel-IX Platform. IDM asked Brandon Voight, Regional Director of Sales, Information Management to outline the new Micro Focus SaaS offering.

There can be a conflict between the desire to remove inactive workspaces and the requirement to retain the content. For example, the IT department may want to retire or delete a Team, but this Team contains information that is still valuable to the organisation despite not being actively used.

US firm Kyndi has launched a new intelligent search product based on its proprietary cloud AI platform. The Cognitive Search Platform is designed to understand the true intent of a business user inquiry against documents, emails, manuals, or other forms of textual data to return contextually relevant answers.

ISACA has released its annual State of Cybersecurity 2021 survey report which reveals concerning trends around hiring and staff retention continue in the cyber workforce. The global study of more than 3,600 cyber security leaders reports consistent challenges finding qualified, well-rounded candidates, while understaffed teams remain strongly correlated to an increasing number of cyber-attacks.
