Enterprise Content Management

Australian banks are fast-tracking the implementation of customer engagement strategies to make up for lost time, as over 50% of the recommendations made by the Royal Banking Commission had not yet been implemented as of early 2021. This finding was revealed in the second edition of the Fintech and Digital Banking 2025 (Asia Pacific) IDC InfoBrief, commissioned by Backbase.

Australian software developer EncompaaS and global provider of a cloud-based compliance platform automating governance of on-premises, cloud and application information repositories, has welcomes its certification to the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard.

Elastic, the company behind Elasticsearch and the Elastic Stack, recently announced several new features that accelerate investigative workflows and reduce mean time to insight (MTTI) and mean time to resolution (MTTR) for users.

Queensland-founded global digital technology company, RedEye Apps, has integrated with Microsoft to unlock safety and efficiency improvements for management of critical assets and infrastructure.

SharePoint has been a great collaboration platform for many organizations. You can easily create dynamic websites with modern, fresh templates. It’s also a great space to post and announce news to keep your team in-the-know and updated. However, beyond these great collaboration features, did you know that SharePoint can also be a great platform to manage your records?

Objective’s Enterprise Content Management software suite (Objective ECM) has been recently listed under Pae Hokohoko Marketplace, New Zealand’s AoG ICT panel under Content Services Software – Tier 2 in the Public Cloud Service SaaS Catalogue.

ActiveNav, a data privacy and governance software provider, has joined the Microsoft Security Intelligent Security Association (MISA). With this membership, ActiveNav advances its classification capabilities by integrating with Microsoft Information Protection (MIP).

When WhatsApp announced modifications to its privacy policy, it sparked an exodus from the platform and ignited fresh concerns about big tech whittling away user privacy. The news was a wake-up call, and companies that were sleeping on the risks of using consumer software for business purposes are now wide awake.

Micro Focus has announced the local availability of Service Management Automation X (SMAX) as a service (SaaS) with data to be hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS) in Sydney.

Box, Inc.  has entered into a an agreement to acquire SignRequest, a cloud-based electronic signature company. Box also previewed Box Sign, an e-signature capability that will be developed on SignRequest’s technology and natively integrated into Box.
