Enterprise Content Management

I don’t think many will disagree when I say that the last 12 months have been a challenge for everyone, both personally and professionally. Whether it be managing a new working from home environment, no face-to-face meetings or interaction, home schooling or ripping up and re-writing IT strategies, it’s been a huge learning curve.

Laserfiche reseller MicrotechDPS has been named a Winners Circle Achiever in recognition of outstanding sales in 2020. There were only two Solutions Providers recognised from Australia out of 53 worldwide.

Document templating developer Templafy has announced a new platform called Engage that supports sharing, collaboration and tracking of business content. Engage follows business content (like documents and presentations) and provides governance and reporting as it moves through collaborative workflows.

Now more than ever people want (and need) to collaborate, and Microsoft Teams makes it very easy to collaborate securely. As a whole, Microsoft 365 has significantly more security options than other collaboration platforms on the market. However, with all the services offered, one can’t just look at the owners and members of Groups and Teams and know who has access.

The Digital Transformation Authority (DTA) has launched a new Cloud Marketplace for Australian Commonwealth government agencies that includes more than 300 providers.

Digital Transformation is the ideology of the year for businesses reliant on document-intensive work. Countless organisations of all sizes and industries have shifted their processes to find solutions that provide fast, reliable, and secure ways to get data into their systems. Cloud capture has become a driving force for implementing digital strategies this year with good reason. Digitising data right at the point of entry into the document lifecycle makes perfect sense before sending it off to recipients and workflows.

For all the incredible technological leaps and bounds we’ve made in the past few decades, we haven’t been able to bypass the need to transfer information from a document, image, or video to a software system. The task of data entry remains a thorn in the side of any organisation that solves business challenges with technology.

Cybersecurity mesh, security-savvy boards of directors, and remote working all made this year’s security and risk trends. As cybersecurity and regulatory compliance become the top two biggest concerns of corporate boards, some are adding cybersecurity experts specifically to scrutinise security and risk issues. 

The Financial Services sector is a prime target of cybercrime due to the personal & financial data it collects from its customers that can easily be monetarised. In 2020 there were more than 1,500 data breach incidents reported in the Financial Services sector globally, with financial motives accounting for more than 90% of the data breaches, according to the Verizon 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report.

Managed and Professional Services provider Insentra will distribute Archive360’s Archive2Azure platform exclusively across A/NZ adding to its growing ISV portfolio which already includes IGEL, Nulia and Torsion Information Security.
