
Macquarie University is migrating staff email away from Gmail to Office 365, due to concerns about data sovereignty. The university plans for all staff email and calendars to be migrated to Office 365 by the end of this year.

A move to the Amazon cloud for data backups is paying dividends for PFD Food Services, Australia’s largest privately owned fresh and frozen food distributor with $A1.5 billion turnover, 2,200 staff and over 65 sites across Australia.

Aiming to transform into paperless organisation by 2020, New Zealand’s Ministry for the Environment (MfE) is deploying OpenText Enterprise Content Management-as-a-Service. Based in Wellington, MfE is the government’s principal adviser on policies, laws and issues affecting the environment. 

RACT Insurance, the insurance subsidiary of the Royal Automobile Club Tasmania, has gone live with the SSP Pure Insurance offering and e5 Workflow solution after a 19 months implementation phase.

Information Management and Governance (IMG) specialist, iCognition, has helped Australia’s National Blood Authority win the J Eddis Linton Award for excellence in records and information management. This Records and Information Management Professionals Association Award recognises organisations that have achieved outstanding results through excellence in implementation of a project.

Victoria’s paper mountain continues to grow ever higher, according to a survey of state government agencies by the Public Records Office of Victoria (PROV).

The push towards digital government in Australia continues to gather momentum, with a recent request for tender from NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) for a Digital Medical Assessment Form another example.

Technology firm Professional Advantage has commenced a migration to a cloud-based intranet solution for the Australian Red Cross. With around 22,000 volunteers, 20,000 members and 2,500 employees and headquarters in each state and territory, Australian Red Cross is one of Australia’s largest not-for-profits.

ANZ, one of Australia and New Zealand’s leading banks, has signed a five-year, $A450 million strategic agreement with IBM. This partnership will provide ANZ with increased capability to drive productivity and innovation across the Group, as well as improving its capacity to deal with the rapidly growing number of customers and transactions across the bank’s branch, digital and mobile channels and support ANZ’s regional expansion.

New Zealand’s New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) recently implemented a cloud and mobile ECM solution with TechnologyOne, replacing a Hummingbird platform.
