ediscovery & Forensics

Nuix has launched three upgrades to its investigation product line, adding functionality for cybersecurity incident response and data visualisations that help investigators find key facts quickly without relying on keyword searches.

Veritas Technologies has announced a multi-million dollar investment in new dedicated cloud data centres in Australia targetting the email archiving and e-discovery market.

kCura, developers of the e-discovery software Relativity, has acquired Content Analyst Company LLC, developers of the CAAT analytics engine.

Recommind has integrated Microsoft Office 365 into the newest version of Axcelerate, its cloud-based ediscovery platform. The collaboration streamlines discovery by enabling joint customers to easily and effectively cull data in the Office 365 environment before exporting it into Axcelerate for total visibility into discovery strategies.

eDiscovery Tiramisu, a delicious metaphor describing the layers of search applied throughout the eDiscovery process. If you’ve been involved in discovery in matters with electronic documents, you’ll have tasted the usual flavours: requesting documents directly from key people, running Boolean searches and undertaking subjective review to separate the yolk from the white. My recipe adds an additional layer (perhaps the tastiest) to the eDiscovery treat, Technology Assisted Review (TAR) and its evolution to Continuous Active Learning (CAL). A mouth-watering moreish mouthful!

Legal technology provider NuLegal has signed a partnership agreement with Everlaw to sell the company’s ediscovery software in Australia and New Zealand.

A new version of Aid4Mail from Switzerland’s Fookes Software is optimised to export email status information from Google Apps Vault and Google Takeout mbox files. It is also now compatible with Outlook 2016.

A company’s email server was once the main source of collected end-user data, but now mobile and text messages are an integral part of the eDiscovery process. Druva Mobile Forensics has added a new capability that automatically and transparently collects data from an organisation’s Android devices, allowing enterprise IT, information security and legal teams to easily facilitate compliance and eDiscovery requests.

AccessData Group, a provider of integrated digital forensics and e-Discovery software solutions, has announced the simultaneous launches of Summation 6.0 and FTK 6.0, powered by a forensically secure database and enhanced interoperability between both products.

Sonasoft has added the ability for automated legal hold in its email archiving and eDiscovery solutions. This allows users to retain email that has been identified by certain content criteria even after the retention period has expired.
