Document & Records Management

Although Public Record Office Victoria has managed to take control over a major area of its current records keeping problems by recently assigning Documentum to develop and implement a digital archive for all Victorian government agencies,...

The Royal Melbourne Hospital is the first public hospital in Australia to send electronic claims to health funds, following the State government's plans to modernise hospitals amid growing concerns over patient deaths from medical mistakes.

The Royal Melbourne Hospital is the first public hospital in Australia to send electronic claims to health funds, following the State government's plans to modernise hospitals amid growing concerns over patient deaths from medical mistakes.

Advanced Data Integration has won a Federal research and development grant, worth $775,000, to improve the intelligence in its software to help organisations deal with ever increasing documentation.

Advanced Data Integration has won a Federal research and development grant, worth $775,000, to improve the intelligence in its software to help organisations deal with ever increasing documentation.

The Public Records Office of Victoria has assigned Documentum to develop and implement a digital records archive for all Victorian government agencies so that the public will have access to vital legislative and policy documents via a portal.

The Public Records Office of Victoria has assigned Documentum to develop and implement a digital records archive for all Victorian government agencies so that the public will have access to vital legislative and policy documents via a portal.

Objective has won another electronic document and records management contract in South Australia, this time for the Department of Premier and Cabinet, to help staff share information more easily and securely across different offices.

Objective has won another electronic document and records management contract in South Australia, this time for the Department of Premier and Cabinet, to help staff share information more easily and securely across different offices.

The comfortable experience of reading through long documents in a library, whilst drinking a coffee and making notes on the contract, is a hard one to shake for lawyers, even in this world when most businesses have embraced digital records...
