Enterprise Applications

A team of academics and marketplace watchdogs will spearhead Australian research into online fraud and breaches of the Corporations Act by Web sites.

With budget cuts and redundancies many IT executives can no longer claim to have the keys to a Porsche in their pocket, but a little bit of Porsche could slip into their pocket and also contain all the vital data they need.

A recent Residential Market Share Report issued by ACNielsen has confirmed Optus as the fastest growing residential internet service provider in the Australian market. Based on absolute customer numbers, the report shows that Optus is curre...

docDownload, a Sydney-based company, has offered a Web based service for business documentation. Aimed at reducing the expenditure associated with hiring technical writers, docDownload's Web site will feature a comprehensive range of busine...

West Australia's HarvestRoad is heading into the growing and increasingly important Indian market.

Teradata customers will be able to select and acquire a business intelligence tool from Hummingbird from the one source - Teradata. The two companies announced the agreement today.

The Slammer Worm virus which spread across the Internet over the weekend could be a hint towards information management problems to come. By hitting Microsoft SQL servers, the worm slowed Internet traffic and caused widespread problems.

Hummingbird's headquarters in Canada reported a successful first quarter to 2003 and the local branch office is exceeding sales for the quarter by 25 per cent.

The Federal Government has indicated its desire for increased use of broadband Internet access across all levels of the community.

A project by two University students in the United States has highlighted the insecurity of personal information stored on hard-drives.
