Business Process & Workflow

Adobe commissioned Forrester Consulting to research what challenges Australian government agencies face, what they can do to accelerate successful digital transformations, and the importance of digital document processes. To explore this topic, Forrester conducted an online survey with 150 senior business and technology decision-makers responsible for digital document processing at government agencies in Australia, Singapore, and India.

Visual Integrity has upgraded its PDF SDK framework to version 14 with new features, more API calls, and cloud-based development support.

Artifex Software, Inc., developer of MuPDF, has acquired the exclusive rights to PyMuPDF from its long-time maintainer Harald Lieder.

Information Management and Governance (IMG) specialist, iCognition, has transitioned another Federal Government department to iCognition’s fully hosted and managed Content Manager cloud service, EDRMSaaS.Cloud, replacing the department’s existing on-premises Content Manager system.

Workato, the enterprise automation platform, is partnering with Epicor on the launch of Epicor Automation Studio, a low-code/no-code iPaaS for everyday business users.

The London based startup, Open Web Systems, which provides surveillance-free email and collaboration tools has launched a new service for businesses and groups.

SFTP platform Couchdrop has released new file automation and workflow functionality to make transferring critical data faster and easier.

Margin Gains Accounting has implemented Annature's single platform for seamless, integrated digital signature and identity verification.

Hyperautomation is one of the most talked about trends in the business world today. The “hyper” prefix, while pointing to a higher level of automation, suggests the state of automation today needs to be even more rapid so organizations can not only keep up, but also stay ahead of the accelerating pace of change.

The NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) has deployed the EncompaaS cloud platform to assist Machinery of Government changes and compliance with the State Records Act.
